Sunday, May 8, 2011

DIY Pom Pom Shoe Clips

OK, so here is my first tutorial! It's super basic but it's the first craft that I've actually taken photos of! I also didn't realise just how many pictures I took. Yikes. Sorry about the many amounts of steps. But it will be worth it in the end! Pom poms are so fun on shoes, but once you've bought shoe clips, you will start looking at everything going: I reckon I could make that into a shoe clip... And of course, there are tons of pom pom crafts out there to try. 

 So let's get started - my first ever tutorial!

What you'll need: a small piece of felt, some wool in your favourite colour, two shoe clips (try Etsy), a fork and a pair of scissors:

Step one: Cut a small piece of wool and lay it across your fork so that it lies across the tines and the handle.

Step two: Start winding! This will take a few minutes. Keep going until you have a plump ball of wool around your fork!

Step three: Keep going! Make sure you don't wrap your piece of wool into the wrap.

Step four: Right! You're done! 

Step five: Taking your piece of wool, tie it tight around the wrapping. 

Step six: Start snipping! Turn your fork around so you start cutting on the opposite side of the tie. Go slowly - you don't want to cut through your tie. Go layer by layer. 

 Step seven: Almost through...

Step eight: You're almost done. Go easy here as you snip the last few bits!

 Step nine: Done! Well, not quite. You should have the begginings of your amazing pom pom.

Step ten: Cut a long piece of wool and wrap it in half. 

 Step eleven: Tie it around the middle (where your original tie is) and pull tight. Warning: if you pull super tight, it will snap! So... tightish!

Step twelve: OK, now is the time to give your pom pom a shave. You want it to be nice and round!

 Step thirteen: That's a nice pom pom!

Step fourteen: cut out two small pieces of felt, slightly bigger than your clips.

Step fifteen: Glue your shoe clips to your felt circles

Step sixteen: Glue your felt pieces to your pom poms. Of course, don't forget to make two for your shoes!

Step seventeen: Clip your hot new shoe clips to your shoes!

Well that's it - even though there are tons of steps, it's actually a super easy craft.

emma xxoo


Hi Everyone!

Welcome to everyone who has popped over from Mildy Interesting Adventures. It's been a long time coming that I got my act together and started a blog for my own DIYs. I decided to put them on a Blogger site as it's a bit easier than Tumblr.

If you came across this site from elsewhere, please go on over to my DIY Lovin' Tumblr, The Mildly Interesting Adventures of Emma. I will be updating this site as regularly as I can with my own DIYs. So keep an eye out!

Emma xxoo